Fear of rejection is often a major obstacle in the path to victorious living. Evans encourages you to begin by finding your acceptance in God. He then exhorts you to see with kingdom eyes, move past excuses, develop mountain-moving faith, conquer worry, and put the past behind you in forgiveness. Using scripture, the examples of Bible heroes like Joshua, Paul, and Mary Magdalene, and stories from his own experience, Evans shows you how to turn obstacles into triumphs by seeking power in persecution, learning from adversity, and letting faith prevail in the midst of trials.
Discover the secret of “replacing fear with joy” and learn how “you can enter into His rest by accepting the reality of the Atonement”.
This uplifting book will remind you that “You are a soldier in the army of God…called, anointed, filled, blessed, and equipped and…more than a conqueror in Him”. You will be inspired to “take courage as you go in His name” and filled with hope as you remember that “the best is yet to come!”
Living Fear Free by Mike Evans is now available at Time Worthy Books.