In spite of increased U.S. sanctions against Iran, exports to the Islamic Republic have increased by nearly one-third this year. The jump from just over $150 million last year to more than $199 million in the first eight months of 2012 is attributed largely to $89 million in wheat and other grain sales. That represents a four-fold increase in grain sales from 2011.
Without the wheat sales, American exports to Iran would have dropped overall with sharp declines in some areas. For example, medicinal and pharmaceutical products fell from $26 million to $15 million, while pulp and waste paper sank from $41 to $17 million.
The U.S., its European allies and other nations have imposed economic sanctions on Iran in an attempt to get them to stop their uranium enrichment program and answer questions about their nuclear programs. Iran denies it is seeking nuclear weapons and says its atomic program is only for peaceful purposes such as generating electricity and producing medical isotopes.
As a result of the sanctions some non-profit groups and members of Congress have argued for measures ensuring that the banking sanctions don’t cut off humanitarian trade. "The Administration's sanctions against Iran have created a de-facto humanitarian banking blockade," said Kate Gould, legislative associate for Middle East policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation.
Shawna Morris, vice president for trade policy at the National Milk Producers Federation & US Dairy Export Council, says her organization also supports the humanitarian exemption. "For the goals of that humanitarian exemption to be fulfilled, it must be clearly applied to not only the permission to sell the agricultural products covered by that exemption but also the related banking transactions needed to actually carry out the sale," she said.
In Psalm 72:12-14, God promises to deliver the needy when they cry for help and have compassion on them. He does that most often through people who have a heart for those in need. While economic sanctions against Iran may harm some innocent people, their intent is to pressure the Islamic Republic to give up on their nuclear weapons program. Pray world leaders will be able to strike the proper balance between sanctions that get Iran’s attention and compassion for those in need. Pray for peace in Jerusalem.
To read the original Jerusalem Post story, click here.