My Scripture for you today: “For the eyes of the LORD run to and for throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).
Dear Jerusalem Prayer Team Member,
Your Father in Heaven is crazy about you!
I read the story this morning of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:1-32. The thing that jumped out at me was the compassion and heart of the father. He showed unconditional love, amazing compassion, and extreme forgiveness. I recently met a brokenhearted man who said he had seen God the way he saw his father. His father was a very unjust man. I shared with him how God had healed me of that very thing, and that now I see God as loving and compassionate, a Father who is crazy about me. I prayed for that dear man.
He had a spirit of unforgiveness towards his son. I said, “I want you to go to your son, humble yourself, get on your knees and ask him to place his hand on your head and pray for you.” He asked why he should do that. His son had offended him, not the other way around. I reminded him, “Your Heavenly Father has done that very thing for you.”
Please pray with me today: “Dear Father, thank You for Your unconditional love. Thank You for keeping all of Your promises. Thank you for your compassion and forgiveness. Please help me to see You today as a loving Father who forgives and forgets. Help me to see You as my Source. Renew my mind with Your Spirit and Word now. Help me to move beyond the feeling of failure and inadequacy because of my earthly Father. Your Word says You are loving, faithful, compassionate, and tenderhearted towards me. It says You are my provider, healer, protector, and Savior. Your Word says You are committed to complete what You have begun in me. Lead me into true intimacy with You. In Jesus’ name.”
After you have prayed with me, will you join hands with me in the greatest step of faith we have ever taken? The largest payment on the Jerusalem World Center has now been made, and we are over halfway toward completing the payments on this miracle building that will mean so much to the Jewish people.
We must pay off the entire balance on the building by December 31st. We have figured it up, and to reach that goal we must make a payment of $777,777 in each of the five months left in the year. This is a great challenge. Making these payments will require more prayer and more sacrificial giving. But I am confident that through the prayers and generosity of friends like you, the need will be met. To help today, go here.
In faith we are planning to dedicate the Jerusalem World Center while we are in Israel on our trip in September. The Jerusalem World Center represents an amazing investment in the future—and a permanent and lasting witness of salt and light to the Jewish people that will remain in the Holy City long after we are gone. To learn more, go here.
We can’t back off or relax as the payments of $777,777 must be made each month. Of course, the number seven is very significant in the Word of God. Seven is the number of perfection and completion—a number linked over and over to the blessing of God upon His work and His children.
Today I’m asking you to stand up and be counted—to join the line of heroes down through the centuries who have done their part to deliver the Jewish people from annihilation. I am asking you to make a generous, even sacrificial gift… to help make the Jerusalem World Center a reality and enable the Jerusalem Prayer Team to do all we can to defend the Jewish state and the Jewish people around the world.
I pray that you will respond to this plea for help with a generous gift to help us make theJerusalem World Center a reality. There are so many things that come from this new ministry center—the Christian Zionist Heritage Center, an expansion of our humanitarian aid to the poor of the house of Israel, increased prayer for the defense of Israel—but none of it can happen without you. Please send your gift today…millions of Jewish people are counting on us and we cannot fail to take advantage of this opportunity to be a blessing to them.
Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, ozier Yisrael bigvurah. Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who girds Israel with might.
Your ambassador to Jerusalem,
Dr. Mike Evans
To help today, go here.