In a trend that started about ten years ago, more and more organizations are advertizing for help on the internet. You can find jobs in almost any area of expertise as well as jobs for people with no experience at all. You can find local jobs or jobs in foreign countries. And you can find jobs at all income levels. But, as far as we know, today is the first time that you can find a job working for al-Qaeda.
The terrorist organization that took down the twin towers has posted a help-wanted advertisement for suicide bombers on one of its internet forum sites. Being fully aware of current high unemployment rates, this may be the first time that they have tried recruiting on such a broad basis.
If it were a laughing matter, one might imagine the ad saying something like,
“Help wanted: Suicide Bombers. No experience necessary. Training provided. Great opportunity to enter the halls of government, finance, and media. Some travel involved. Must be able to work independently without immediate supervision. Excellent commissions paid upon successful completion of assignments.”
It’s not a laughing matter, but the ad actually reads much more like the foregoing tongue-in-check version than you might expect.
The ad appeared under the title “Area of activity: The planet Earth.” Applicants must be “Muslim, mentally mature, dedicated, able to listen, and utterly committed to completing their mission.” It goes on to say that the suicide bombers’ targets would be “people who fight Islam and Muslims, and unnamed “enemy financial, military, and media targets.” It says that a “military panel” will be responsible for training and target selection. After that, the candidate will be “the one person in charge (and) will gather all of the intelligence, prepare the operation, and complete the attack.”
The ad was honest enough to admit that there was a “very slight chance of being caught.”
What will they think of next? Posters saying, “’Uncle Al’-Zawahiri Wants You?”
It could be that even al-Qaeda posted the ad as a joke, but, given their agenda to eliminate all of the infidels (that you be us), it is more likely that this is a serious way to engage significantly larger numbers of potential suicide bombers who could be sent to their target destinations fully trained and ready to carry out their missions whenever the command is given.
The Bible tells us that “in the last days, perilous – meaning harsh, fierce, or savage – times will come.” By all indications, we are in the last days. Time is of the essence that we pray for the souls of men, that they would seek the face of the True and Living God, Jehovah, and come to Him by the Way He has provided. As always, also, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.